16 November 2008


I’m sure that you care about people and think that that is an admirable attribute. After all compassion, consideration and courtesy are the fundamentals that make relationships work.
But at the same time, you may have those nagging thoughts that urge you to rise to your greatest heights. I’m sure that at odd moments, during the day, you think about them. OK, perhaps not rise quite right up to the stars but at least to some higher level.

Let me repeat that first question. Do we respond to what really inspires us or do we brush them aside and say something like “OK…but not now…maybe tomorrow…I’m kind of busy right now”.

Do we read enough and discuss what we’ve read? Do we go on the internet to look up works of art and read about the artist? Do we ever try and discover an artist who may be word class but not really known to us? Someone like the amazing Ripin of Russia? Is there a mountain that you want to climb or have you dreamed of studying ancient cultures? Would you love to design jewelry that would give release to certain passions deep within you?

How do you feel about your self-realization? Have you been nurturing that core that lies at the heart of your being or has something stopped you? Come. Tell us about it. Let’s exchange some thoughts.


It seems that we are today existing in two worlds. If this is so then it’s very important that we should become very aware of them. This may be especially so because it also seems that the differences between these two worlds are becoming more obvious, more ominous and more in conflict with each other.

In my mind, I see the two environments as being like this.
One is the outside world. The world around us seems to be becoming increasingly chaotic and harsh. It’s a world where slabs if polar ice crash into the sea and in doing so are symbolic of the crashing general standards of tolerance and ethics wherever we look.
The other world represents our own inner worlds. It seems that millions of people all over the globe, in many different countries and with many different backgrounds and ambitions, are feeling an almost desperate need to get into touch with their inner spiritual needs.

As we look for truths we sometimes get them from the strangest places. I sometimes go into the bushveld just to be near the animals and birds there and to look at most wonderful variety of trees, shrubs, grasses, rivers, ravines and meadows that God has given to us to remind us of the journey that we should be on.

Do you too feel that you want to feel total joy deep down within you and to share it with others? Please tell us about your thoughts.